COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, not a food-borne disease. There does not appear to be any evidence that people will get infected by swallowing the virus on food or in drinks.
However, it is a good idea to always practice safe food handling practices.
- Avoiding preparing foods for other people if you have respiratory symptoms
- Washing fruit and veg under running water before eating
- Keeping good hygiene practices
The best way to keep well during COVID is to follow the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating which recommends we eat a variety of foods from all 5 food groups.
These include:
- Plenty of vegetables including legumes and beans. Always pick different types and colours for increased nutrients.
- 2 pieces of fruit per day
- Grain foods particularly wholegrain and high fibre varieties such as wholegrain breads, cereals, rice, pasta etc.
- Lean meats and chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds
- Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or their alternatives
Try meal planning to minimise your visits to the shops (Meal and physical activity planners).
Other things to do to make your food last longer and make fewer trips to the shops include:
- Buying food items that keep their nutritional value longer while stored or frozen eg. frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables. Look for tinned fruit in natural juice not syrup.
- Use cuts of meat or beans and legumes that are suitable for stews and curries and make them in bulk them batch freeze them.
- Shopping online can also minimise your time at the shops
Written by Annette Murphy, our Dietitian.