You may have seen recent updates from the Government that telehealth has been extended and made permanent.
While we welcome this news, as a broader provision for all Australians, it might not have been clear that the new telehealth would have to be largely delivered via video call (Zoom etc).
We have been told that people often prefer telephone rather than the video conferencing.
As of 1 Jan 2022 the telephone item number was deleted but very shortly after that, reinstated (and then only for another 6 months). We are sorry if this caused confusion for patients. We do our best to keep patients and providers up to date with Medicare changes but this was a very short timescale for change for all of us.
Reinstating the Medicare item number means we can provide a rebate for telephone consultation with the doctors. We will try to provide as much notice as possible if this is not provided beyond June 2022.
As with everything over the past 2 years, we understand the concern that rapid change can bring and we will continue to do our best to help our patients stay informed and up to date with changes that impact them and us.
If you have any questions or concerns please to contact us.